Proposal Writer Playbook

1.1 Understanding the Characteristics of Effective Proposals

To write a winning proposal, you must first understand what makes an effective, winning proposal. The seven characteristics shown in figure 2 are key ingredients to help you plan and write an effective proposal. These characteristics have been proven in dozens of markets and in over 125 companies worldwide to improve proposal quality and competitiveness.

Does the proposal clearly and directly address the customer’s needs?

Is it obvious why this offer is be�er than compe��ve offers?

Do visuals clearly communicate major selling points?


Compe��ve Focus


Page and Document Design

Quality of Wri�ng



Have all bid request requirements been addressed and all instruc�ons followed?

Is it obvious why this offer should be selected?

Is the wri�ng customer focused, well organized, clear, and correct?

Is the proposal profes - sional and easy to evaluate?

Figure 2. Seven Characteristics of Effective Proposals. The quality and competitiveness of a proposal depend on the above criteria. Note that the quality of writing is only one of seven criteria for effective proposals.

Ask yourself these questions as you plan and write your proposals: • Compliance— Have all bid request requirements been addressed and all instructions followed? • Responsiveness— Does the proposal clearly and directly address the customer’s needs? • Strategy— Is it obvious why this offer should be selected? • Competitive Focus— Is it obvious why this offer is better than competitive offers? • Quality of Writing— Is the writing customer focused, well organized, clear, and correct? • Visualization— Do visuals clearly communicate major selling points? • Page and Document Design— Is the proposal professional and easy to evaluate?

Proposal Planner Appendix A: Descriptions


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