Proposal Writer Playbook

Use a Proposal Development Worksheet (PDW) or proposal planner template, shown in figure 6. Interview SMEs and others to identify the customer’s hot buttons.


Section Requirements and Outline Proposal Name

Section Heading

# Pages


Enter proposal name RFP Requirements

Enter telegraphic heading

Proposal Section Outline



Paste RFP requirements here Paste RFP requirements here Paste RFP requirements here Paste RFP requirements here

1.1 Heading

1.1.1 Subheading 1.1.2 Subheading 1.1.3 Subheading

Requirement A RFP Requirement / Underlying Issue What is asked for? Why is it important?

Solution / Feature(s)


Requirement/Underlying Issue (Hot Button) Solution/Feature Benefits Discriminators Experience/Past Performance Risk Mitigation Key visual(s) or graphics

What specifically will we do? How will we do it?

What are the measurable benefits to the customer?


Experience / Past Performance

Risk Mitigation


How do we differ from competitors?

What proof will make customer confident?

How will we mitigate any risk?

What is the informative title and major selling point?

Requirement B RFP Requirement / Underlying Issue What is asked for? Why is it important?

Solution / Feature(s)


What specifically will we do? How will we do it?

What are the measurable benefits to the customer?


Experience / Past Performance

Risk Mitigation


How do we differ from competitors?

What proof will make customer confident?

How will we mitigate any risk?

What is the informative title and major selling point?

Requirement C RFP Requirement / Underlying Issue What is asked for? Why is it important?

Solution / Feature(s)


What specifically will we do? How will we do it?

What are the measurable benefits to the customer?


Experience / Past Performance

Risk Mitigation


How do we differ from competitors?

What proof will make customer confident?

How will we mitigate any risk?

What is the informative title and major selling point?

Requirement D RFP Requirement / Underlying Issue What is asked for? Why is it important?

Solution / Feature(s)


What specifically will we do? How will we do it?

What are the measurable benefits to the customer?


Experience / Past Performance

Risk Mitigation


How do we differ from competitors?

What proof will make customer confident?

How will we mitigate any risk?

What is the informative title and major selling point?


Summary Theme

Summary What are the main points made in this section?

Copyright 2017 Shipley Associates

For individual use only. Do not distribute.


Figure 6. Gather Information Using a Proposal Planner. Content planning tools like Shipley’s Proposal Section Planner, shown here, help writers organize information they have gathered. When you know how you will incorporate customer requirements and issues, you are better prepared to write a compelling proposal. When gathering information as part of proposal planning, start anywhere and go everywhere. List your customer’s hot buttons in priority order. Also list the various aspects of your solution under the hot buttons they most closely address. If a feature doesn’t fit a hot button, consider leaving it out. List the benefits or value propositions your solution provides, discriminators, proofs, relevant experience, and applicable past performance. List visuals that illustrate those points. Throughout your planning, think in terms of the benefits to enhance customer focus and value.

Proposal Section Planner Proposal Development Worksheet

10 See Proposal Preparation Tools in the Shipley Proposal Guide .

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