1.7 Participating in a Pink Team Review After the kickoff meeting, each assigned writer takes the information provided for each proposal section to create and validate:
• A compliant section outline • A summary of the solution/feature • Identified benefits to the customer for the solution and features • Discriminators • Experience/past performance/proof that you can provide the desired results
• Any risk associated with the solution and how you will address it • Suggested visuals/graphics (and associated action captions) to help tell the story
Following your planning, be involved in an early review of the proposal once a proposal strategy is in place. A Pink Team review checks compliance to the bid request and the overall strategy for the proposal. In smaller organizations, the writer takes a lead role in this review, seeking consensus on the way forward for proposal writing. In larger organizations, often a proposal manager is assigned to facilitate this review, but the writer should be involved and participate. This review should happen as early as possible when all or most of the inputs shown in figure 7 are prepared and ready for review, well in advance of the final submission.
Capture and Proposal Strategies
Redirection on Strategy
Evaluation Factors
Pink Team Review
Documented Comments and Recommendations
Proposal Outline
Master Compliance Checklist
Verified Compliance Checklist
Completed Section Planners
Section Mockups
Figure 7. Pink Team Reviews Are Critical to Proposal Success. The Pink Team reviews all content plans, storyboards, or mockups for the entire planned proposal before text is drafted. This team verifies total compliance with requirements of the solicitation, responsiveness to unstated customer issues, and satisfactory expression of the approved capture and proposal strategies.
See Color Team Reviews in the Shipley Proposal Guide.
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