Proposal Writer Playbook

2.5 Avoiding Wasted Prime Proposal Real Estate As a writer, you need to understand that certain portions of your proposal are more likely to be read than others. These places in the proposal are called “prime real estate.” They include section theme statements at the beginning of each section, headings, graphics, and informative captions. In general, the proposal executive summary is also considered prime real estate. Use elements that highlight text as a way to draw attention to key content in the proposal, like formatting an important aspect of your solution in a callout box in the margin. Headings that Support the Sales Message Two different types of headings are used in proposals: telegraphic and informa- tive. Both are important ways to show what you are offering in a succinct fashion. Telegraphic headings can be useful to label main sections in your proposal. Informative headings are longer and more descriptive about the information in that section. These headings are used at second or third level sections of the proposal. As a writer, you are given some amount of creative license to deliver your message through headings. However, if the bid request has pre-determined headings, use them in your proposal. Headings are also an excellent way to subtly convey an advantage or benefit you are offering your customer. Use them wisely and concisely. Figure 13 shows the difference between a telegraphic heading for a main proposal section and an informative heading at second or third levels.


Informative ( 2nd level)

Overviewof Sales

Solutions to improve sales performance

Reduced overhead cost through flat organizational structure.


System designed for tailoring to retail market


Continuous support through a three- phase implementation approach


Figure 13. Telegraphic and Informative Headings. Both telegraphic and informative headings are important and even necessary in proposals. Use telegraphic headings for major sections and informative headings to concisely explain and convey a benefit for the coming section.

See Page and Document Design and Headings in the Shipley Proposal Guide .


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