Proposal Writer Playbook

2.7 Using Emphasis Techniques to Improve Scores You can apply many different emphasis techniques to clarify your point or message. For example, if a bit of text is written in bold, italics, or underlined, this usually signifies to the reader that this phrase is most important to remember. These three emphasis techniques are used most often and probably the most effective. You may also choose to use color in your proposal to set your headings or callouts apart from the rest of the text. A word of caution: Use emphasis techniques sparingly. If everything is emphasized, then nothing is.

Poor Example

The proposal manager will be on site by 10:00 a.m. Monday morning.

Better Example

The proposal manager will be on site by 10:00 a.m. Monday morning.

When using these techniques, be sure you are highlighting the things your customer most needs to know, such as a date, a time, or contact information. Choose just one technique to emphasize this information. Simple emphasis will ensure clean, clear, and effective document design.


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