Proposal Writer Playbook



Proposal Development Worksheet. The PDW is a Microsoft Office tool that can be used as a storyboard to map out proposal sections before drafting text. A review scheduled early in the proposal development process where reviewers validate the implementation of your proposal strategy and verify compliance with the bid request. The Pink Team reviews storyboards, mockups, or writing plans and makes suggestions on content correction. A writing approach that includes Planning, Organizing, Writing, examining, and Revising proposal content. Probability of Win. Pwin is a representative number or percentage based on win-factor ratings that help determine the likelihood of winning a specific business opportunity. A review scheduled later in the proposal development process, after a near-final draft is produced, where reviewers evaluate the proposal for customer focus, completeness, and clear communication of your win strategy and solution. Enough time should be allowed after this review to make adjustments and corrections based on Red Team comments. Request for Proposal. A typical type of solicitation document that requests solutions. A conceptual planning tool to help writers plan each section before drafting text. Storyboards contain space to identify bid request requirements, strategies, win themes, preliminary visuals, and suggested content for the section. In proposals, themes link a customer benefit to the discriminating features of your offer. Themes tell readers why they should select you. The most powerful themes contain the most important and unique discriminators, something the customer wants that no one else offers. A short, written summary at the beginning of each major proposal section that focuses on value proposition and benefits to the customer. Overarching themes that apply to the entire proposal. A term used to articulate why your offer is better than the competitors’ offers, as perceived by the customer. Defining win strategy involves leveraging your strengths, mitigating your weaknesses, and minimizing your competitors’ strengths.


Pink Team Review



Red Team Review




Theme Statement

Win Strategy


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