2025 Training Catalog


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Managing Federal Proposals Course Overview

This workshop teaches essential skills for managing a full proposal or proposal volume in the U.S. federal market space. It focuses on how to lead teams to produce written or electronic proposals in response to a U.S. federal Request for Proposals (RFP), beginning with necessary preparation work that must precede assignment of topics to authors. It also develops detailed understanding of federal proposal evaluation processes and their impact on proposal planning and management. Many of the skills imparted are applicable to commercial and non-federal government proposals. But students should understand the heavy emphasis on federal procurement and the fact that most case study and example material will reflect that orientation.

Workshop Description This interactive workshop builds the proposal management skill set through lecture, discussion, simulations, and exercises. It begins with a detailed simulation of the government’s evaluation of proposals for a real competitive procurement, creating insight into how proposals can be developed to score highly. It progresses through all necessary steps for planning and managing creation of a compliant sales document. You will learn to: • Assess your own proposals like a government evaluation team • Convert action-based capture strategies into message- based proposal strategies or win themes

• Develop a comprehensive compliance checklist • Create a compliant proposal outline • Assign requirements to appropriate authors for coverage in the proposal • Prepare for and conduct an effective kickoff meeting, including providing clear instructions to authors • Lead high-performing proposal teams on fast-paced schedules • Prepare for effective reviews • Exploit knowledge of the selection process to guide interactions with your customer after proposal submittal

Who Should Attend • Anyone who manages

Workshop Material • Workshop Manual • Shipley Proposal Guide™

government proposal efforts

Shipley Proposal Guide ™

Workshop Length • 2 Days • 2 Shipley Certification Units

The Shipley Proposal Guide™ contains over 50 topics. Each topic section provides a summary of key points.

Copyright Shipley Associates.

Shipley Training Catalog 11

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