We Empower Learning™
POWeRful ™ Proposal Writing (Live, Online) Course Outline A blended learning course that helps learners understand and practice the process, techniques, and tools necessary to develop customer-focused proposal content.
Pre-Course: Course Introduction and Case Study Review Section 1: Understanding Characteristics of Effective Proposals • Purpose of Proposals—A key sales tool • Proposal Characteristics—Understanding the necessary elements of a winning proposal • Plan Your Proposal—Planning based on customer needs, hot buttons, and requirements • Organize your proposal for ease of evaluation and to ensure compliance. Section 2: Writing the Proposal • Developing a win strategy based on discriminators • Creating effective theme statements • Reflecting principles of customer focus in each proposal and every section • Leveraging visuals to help sell your message • Drafting your message using persuasive techniques • Leveraging style sheets to support your brand • Mocking Up Your Draft—Converting your content into a page-for-page representation Section 3: Examining and Revising the Proposal • Engaging Reviewers—Determining the best team for reviewing proposal content at key stages of proposal development
• Reviewing Proposals—Understanding the importance of proposal reviews to validate win strategy, compliance, responsiveness, and competitiveness within the proposal, prior to submission • Guidelines for Improving Readability and Probability of Winning—Applying proven best practices for customer- focused writing Post-Course: An exam to test your understanding of key terms and best practices and a short draft proposal submission. You also have access to the award-winning Shipley Proposal Guide , as well as necessary tools and templates. Tools and materials included: • Digital version of Shipley Proposal Guide • Copies of all slides and screenshots • Access to downloadable tools and templates: • Section Planner
• Section Organizer • Mock-up Template • Review Checklists • Proposal Assessment Tools
Application exercises are part of this online course. Learners are expected to complete all exercises within the timeframe of the course schedule.
Copyright Shipley Associates.
Shipley Training Catalog 19
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