OnDemand—Micro Course
Course Overview Developing a proposal outline that addresses customer requirements is a critical activity in the sales and proposal development process. All subsequent work is based on the initial outline. The proposal outline establishes the table of contents, serves as a proposal management tool, and helps writers see their tasks as they relate to the entire proposal. Proposal outlines are important in individual proposal writing efforts and essential in team writing efforts. An effective outline saves time, resources, and energy. Workshop Description This interactive on demand course introduces participants to sound proposal organizational guidelines, including: • Remain compliant with the customer’s instructions. • Align the sales message with customer requirements and hot buttons. • Place information where evaluators and customers with specific duties can easily find it. • Identify sections in the proposal where the solution can be logically described.
Participants learn guidelines for developing sound proposal outlines based on the principles of customer focus and good organization . By following customer’s instructions and organization, you demonstrate that you listened to them and are giving them what they requested. By following sound proposal outlining guidelines, you demonstrate your ability to meet the customer’s needs in an easy to understand and convincing fashion. Shipley’s proposal outlining SMaRTform makes it easy to follow a structured approach to proposal writing.
Who Should Attend • This micro course is designed for sales professionals, proposal managers, section authors, and other proposal contributors.
• $89
Module Length • Approximately 35 minutes (on-demand)
Shipley’s Guidebooks available for ongoing reference and guidance
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